Monday, May 18, 2009

Sleep Deprivation

NOTE: To anyone that reads this post who may suffer from this
disorder, know you are not alone !!

I'm not talking Insomnia... there's treatment for such... and i can
fall asleep before my head hits the pillow. This is the cognitive
decision of doing something or thinking about things that result in
the lack of sleep.

Perhaps it is from worrying too much?Especially about issues that are
completely beyond our control. Maybe from eating too close to bed
time... Caffeine... information overload... Could also be a brain
chemical imbalance. Who knows for certain ?!

Whatever the cause may be; I represent this very situation well.

I often wonder how unhealthy this may be... and then immediately
think, "at some point, my body will tell me enough is enough... You
will get some much needed rest when required." Although many will
argue the fact you cannot make up for lost sleep, I tend to disagree.
For me, it seems to have a way of working out most of the time...
making the conscious effort when possible to go to bed early and/or
sleeping a little later than usual.

Some nights are better than others -- THIS is not one of those
nights !! Surely you can see from the time of my post ?! Yeah, I'm on
the East Coast. It's late... Err... I mean early.

It's already after 1:00 am on Monday. A friend of mine refers to this
day as "Moanday"... I'm beginning to see her rationale ;-)

Well... I guess I should stop this mind numbing post and get some rest.

"Sleep Fast" as I have heard the adage... or as I like to imagine what
one is supposed to do at a Holiday Inn Express ;-) ha! ha! ha!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Biggest Loser

Every single season, every single episode, I have been a HUGE fan (no pun intended, I'm not contestant worthy yet). But... Color me unimpressed by this season's winner! I cannot believe "she" won.

I lost any and all respect for her the week she and her daughter had to decide which one to send home. Without hesitation, it was obvious she wanted to send her daughter packing... and she did. How self-centered can a person be? Moving forward, $250,000 richer and currently holding the title of "The Biggest Loser", I sincerely hope she represents and promotes the show in a positive light because she was the absolute opposite on the show.

Had I been in that situation, I would have elected to bow out gracefully and keep my child on the ranch.

For anyone who hasn't ever watched "The Biggest Loser" on NBC (or seen their advertisements), the ranch is where all the contestants live and workout during the show. Personal Trainers guide them every step of the way. A bevy of Nutritionists, Physicians, and Paramedics accompany the contestant's as well. For someone who is morbidly obese, the very opportunity to be on the ranch is an absolute dream come true. Ultimately, it is life changing not only for the contestants but for millions of viewers at home.

Have no fear NBC... i will wait in anticipation for next season and will stay a true and loyal fan. We were impressed, however, with the "At Home" 2nd Place Winner of $100,000... unreal for him to have lost 177 lbs.

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is the Life !!

Snowby is my name; napping is my game... I am the King of the Hill.

If I'm not chasing other cats away or eating, expect to find me napping. It just doesn't get any better.

I imagine my master will add more copy once I have been posted. He's still experimenting with mobile uploading. Rest assured, I will curl up in his lap when he finally sits down at the computer. For now... Purrrrrr..... ;-)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

In Memory of...


Purchased as a gift for my niece's 5th birthday. At the time, I did not know anyone who owned a Dalmation. Thought they were mainly for firemen and beer commercials, but... for a 5 year old who lived and breathed Disney, I saw the perfect opportunity.

Solid black ears, more spots than I had ever seen, and smaller in size than her siblings... I knew she was very special. Placed into a large, pre-wrapped box only moments before opening, she remained quite as a mouse not wanting to spoil the surprise. And that she didn't... my niece's expression was priceless! Of course, Daisy instantly wet on my niece's clothes upon being picked up. Probably due to the instant excitement and gratification of being squeezed and petted. It was hardly even noticed and surely of no one's concern.

All of the kids immediately asked, "What's her name?" to which my niece answered without any hesitation, "Daisy!"

[Technically, Daisy was a duck according to Disney, but it was the naming choice of my niece, so it stuck.]

I knew upon making the purchase I would be the one to house, feed and care for her. We had the yard space and fencing necessary where my sister's house did not. Again... fine for everyone. Daisy blessed us all with her love and devotion... she entertained us for 13 years!

Friday, May 1, 2009

And so it begins...

Here I Am !! Never thought I would create a blog, let alone actually post something to it. Long gone are the days of Doogie Houser, MD where it was simply a personal, daily journal. Now we must post for the world to see and critique (go easy on me... I'm new here.)

Anyway... this Blog may (or may not) evolve. Only time will tell.

So, check back from time to time and see what happens!

Oh, yeah... WELCOME and thanks for looking ;-)