Friday, May 1, 2009

And so it begins...

Here I Am !! Never thought I would create a blog, let alone actually post something to it. Long gone are the days of Doogie Houser, MD where it was simply a personal, daily journal. Now we must post for the world to see and critique (go easy on me... I'm new here.)

Anyway... this Blog may (or may not) evolve. Only time will tell.

So, check back from time to time and see what happens!

Oh, yeah... WELCOME and thanks for looking ;-)


  1. I LOVE it!!!!!!!! AWESOME, TREMENDOUS, wait - let me grab my Thesaurus - awe - inspired, wonderful, remarkable, incredible..... the list could continue, but I see this ad for Apple apps to the right I MUST CHECK OUT

  2. in your profile, my blogs link is scrambled, wonder why......

  3. I think that's computer speak for apostrophe '
